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The History of
It Depends on Who's Looking

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Tribute to
Carl Jung



Prologue by
Dr.Carl Greer


Tribute by

About the




Appreciation for
Dr.Carl Greer

Old Lady




Dr. Carl Jung
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Dr. Carl Jung
1875 - 1961 

Audio Dr. Carl Jung
00:00 / 02:32
Perspective Videos

Perspective Videos

It is with much gratitude that we are including a few videotaped perspectives with students who have immersed themselves in The Archetype Project, and who have worked in-depth with one or more of The Archetypes.  After all, none of this has any value unless it helps real-life people in real-life situations. These commentaries and conversations are true to life; they have not been manufactured or scripted in any way. The individual participants are all graduate students. They can be reached in person through the program. To view each perspective, just click on the photograph.  I hope you enjoy their individual contributions to your own journey. 

Engaging Ares & Aphrodite
Heather Leslie & Ryan MacDonald)

Engaging Hades
(with Nicholas Jones)

Engaging Chaos & Nemesis
Eugena Maguire & Nancy Beaton)

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Brief Summary

Brief Summary

In 2007, Shanon Harwood began writing a manuscript entitled “It Depends on Who’s Looking. 


The inspiration for this work arose when Shanon, as a young woman, found herself living and working In Dubai.  Here she was surrounded by examples of a great many of the world’s religious practices.  She was amazed at the dogmatic stances each took on their own particular doctrine.  Intrigued, Shanon began to study the religions of the area. 


It Depends on Who's Looking - The Archetype Project

The Multimedia Book

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After her return to Canada, she enrolled in Religious Studies at university.  This study went deeply into not only established religions but also their parallels to ancient Greek, Roman and other worldwide mythologies.  What struck Shanon was how closely the religions and mythologies resembled one another.  The terminology was different, but the concepts were so similar that Shanon became determined to show the world that we are all essentially saying the same thing.  


This was the impetus Shanon needed to embark on writing the manuscript “It Depends on Who’s Looking”. 

The manuscript examined in minute detail how worldwide religions, mythologies and practices are all speaking about the same universal concepts and energies — just with a different label.  More importantly, however, the manuscript dives into the profound manner in which these energies impact and influence our lives in both the short and long term.  

The next stage of developed was a workshop series.  Created directly from the pages of the manuscript, these workshops were created in 2010 and offered by The Kimmapii School of Shamanism as a series of four - three day workshops, spaced over a two year period.  Workshop attendees were delighted by the profound and life altering effect of the work.  They were so emphatic about the positive changes in their lives that a group of them began to work with Shanon on the next phase of development —The Rituals.


Originally entitled Primary Rituals, this phase perfected an avenue of personal interaction directly with The Archetypes. 

Taking what she had gleaned from Primary Rituals, Shanon began creating an interactive Multimedia Book entitled “It Depends on Who’s Looking, The Archetype Project” with the sole intention of making work with The Archetypes available to anyone seeking to help or change areas in their lives where “things are not working”. 


That final step led Shanon here!  Coming full circle, she chose to name it It Depends on Who’s Looking, The Archetype Project — in honour of the place where it all began, that moment of conception.   The goal — to move this knowledge forward and to make it available so that anyone and everyone has the opportunity to change their lives. 

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Prologue by Dr. Greer

Prologue by Dr. Carl Greer

Archetypes are the organizing principles of the universe that influence how we think, act, and feel. They and their influence live in and around us. When we learn to relate to them consciously, we enrich our lives. 


“It Depends on Who’s Looking”, offered by Shanon Harwood provides a welcome antidote to a world of rationalism, where we might often yearn for a connection to the magic of life but find it elusive.  Her whimsical and informational approach introduces us to the powerful and enchanting world of The Archetypes. 


Shanon Harwood guides us to consciously experience the energy of The Archetypes and discover which ones we have an affinity for.  As we become aware of which Archetypes have been influencing us, we can reevaluate our relationship to them.  


If we so choose, we can invite in new Archetypes whose energy we would like to engage with.  Shanon has given us a well thought-out invitation to a set of experiences that allows us to consciously participate in the magical world of The Archetypes.



Clinical Psychologist 

Jungian Analyst

Shamanic Perspective

Shamanic Perspective


Throughout the text you will notice references to Shamanism.  We are Shamans, and for us Shamanism is a way of life.  However, you don’t have to be a Shaman to work with this project– you don’t even have to know, understand or agree with any Shamanic principles.  So why do we allude to Shamanism at all?  Shamanic  knowledge, so ancient and yet so modern, is included to assist you as you travel this journey of self-discovery.  The references to Shamanic concepts might serve as useful guides as you’re putting these practices into your own life.  Besides, have you noticed that our world is getting smaller and smaller?  Ideas and beliefs that were uniquely Shamanic just a decade ago are now showing up in day-to-day life.  Shamanic concepts that not so long ago were considered completely off the wall are now becoming mainstream.  

Tribute to Dr. Villoldo
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Tribute to Dr. AlbertoVilloldo

Abou the Author

About the Author

Meet the Ambassadors

Meet the Ambassadors


These individuals were pivotal in the creation of the original on-line multi-media book and subsequently agreed to make themselves available to provide development and testing of the concepts and processes introduced.  Without their support and assistance, It Depends on Who’s Looking , The Archetype Project would not be in the world today. 


Each of these individuals is a graduate of The Kimmapii School of Shamanism and in addition to this Shamanic training received a subsequent five years of in-depth study of Archetypal Energy.  We will be forever indebted to them for their dedication, their passion and their enthusiastic contributions.

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Forward by Dr. Villoldo

Forward by Dr.Villoldo

I first met Shanon Harwood when she enrolled in our Light Body School in 2003. Seeking to augment an already well established knowledge base in shamanic practice gleaned from more than 15 years of mentorship and training by a Spiritual Elder of the Blackfoot Nation, and coupled with her earlier practice in both tarot and astrology, Shanon quickly assimilated and integrated the wisdom from our School.


Upon completion of the Light Body School, the lure of the” invisible realms” continued to call her whereupon she enrolled in additional classes within our School. One aspect in particular of the “invisible realms” that called to Shanon was the study of Archetypes and the profound effect that these energies exert on each and every one of us.  This led her, while continuing her studies with The Four Winds, to delve into the work of Dr. Carl Jung. She soon recognized that The Archetypes and the archetypal energies were in fact aspects of the universal consciousness - and more importantly had been recognized, described and quantified by sages and scholars for centuries. She further understood that while they are a part of the sea of collective consciousness that is universal — as individuals, we each perceive them differently.


Driven by this realization, Shanon launched into a journey of  discovery and experimentation from which she distilled an immense body of knowledge relating to how specific Archetypes exert profound and identifiable effects upon us as individuals. From this work, Shanon created a manuscript named “It Depends on Who’s Looking”. Through the story in the manuscript, she illustrated that although our perceptions of The Archetypes may differ, depending upon the filters through which we perceive them, whether religious, shamanic, astrological or esoteric,  in reality we are all talking about the same energies. 


Upon completion of the first draft of her manuscript Shanon brought it to me in 2011 and asked for my evaluation of the material and suggestions for change and improvement.


As I read the manuscript the depth of her research and work was apparent. I recognized the value of the material to those of us struggling with understanding why certain parts of our lives are “not working”.  Shanon clearly identified that often the cause of things “not working” is a direct result of our current relationship with a particular Archetype. Moreover, she had also developed, tested and fine-tuned practices to help the individual to alter their relationship with the particular Archetype. I offered Shanon my feedback and suggestions for improvement of her manuscript which she has now incorporated into her work.


In this book, you will have your eyes opened to your problem and it’s probable cause. You are then provided with the tools you require to dance between the visible and invisible worlds - to dance your dance of healing and peace.  This book is a rich guide to identifying and shedding the energies, beliefs, and habits that hold you back, then, through changing your relationship with an Archetype, replacing it with the new tale and journey towards your destiny.  



medical anthropologist

Apprciatin for Dr. Greer

Appreciation for Dr.Carl Greer

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As we walk this journey of life, we occasionally encounter people who exert profound influences on our lives.  Dr. Carl Greer is one of those special people with whom we have had the good fortune to walk a significant part of our journey. 


Friend, mentor, Shaman, psychologist, philanthropist, teacher and Jungian analyst all are different facets of this warm, caring man who has offered us so much.  His insight... his hands-on help... his knowledge... and, most importantly, his encouragement made the creation of this program possible.


When we first conceived the idea to put into book form my observations regarding how Archetypal energies played such key roles in our human existence, we turned to Carl to discuss the embryo idea.  


As a Shaman and Jungian Analyst, Carl provided us with many different perspectives to ponder.  Upon completion of the first draft, Carl sat with us for many hours on numerous occasions going through each and every part of it.   


He offered constructive criticisms, suggestions for improvements and often played the role of “devils advocate” — all of which served to help us create this final work.  Our deep gratitude goes out to this man we are so proud to call friend. 

The Old Lady

The Old Lady

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Key Contributors

Key Contributors

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The Essentials


 Nicholas Jones - Creative Genius

 Ryan MacDonald - Musical Genius

 Suki Rae - Artistic Genius

Project Development   

Andrea Johnson     Marie Cosens      Eugena Rempel-Witten

Heather Leslie        Nancy Beaton     Denene Derksen

Barry Penny            John Beaton        Brycie Klassen

Multimedia Creation  

 Carmen Poon      Clint Harwood         Cathi Woodlock    

 Patti Gingras       Corine Welsch         Frank Gingras

 Nancy Kinear       Brynn MacDonald   Garrett McCoy

Support Team


 Linda Fitch - Wisdom & Insight

 Dr. Carl Greer - Mentorship, Guardianship & Inspiration

 Dr. Alberto Villoldo - Advice, Counsel & Direction

Executive Producer


Arthur Marvin Harwood

Workshop Production

Anne-Marie L’Arrivee             

Barbara Cruikshank           

Cherrilyn Hernaez              

Clayton Brauer                     

Deanna Strandquist               

Debbie Carlton                     

Doug Horne                       

Frank DeBoon                     

Ian McKay                           

Jeannie Shaw                  

Jim Carlton                           

Kaeden Derksen                 

Laurie Krumes                  

Mikhaila Derksen                

Martine Kleissen              

Mary Gale            

Mona Campbell                

Rick Slater                      

Shalaya Cole                 

Sharon Blancher            

Susan Clayton

Vickie Darago     

Annette Kallies   

Carl Marks

Chris Horne     

Deanna Lavavasour     

Deb Klein     

Dennis Miller     

Fram Moos

Gerald Friend     

James Marr     

Jeff Krause

Jordan Kaltenbruner     

Kerri Guillaume     

Linda Varadi

Mark Terrell     

Mary Donnachie

Mary Menduk     

Phil Blancher     

Ron Mensaghi

Shannon Kaltenbruner 

Shawn Luco

Val Seeley     



In Recognition

In Recognition

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